Just some of the new things we’re working on …

A Welcome Blessing.

Live generously …

Live generously …

Pembroke Pines Charter Academic Village Middle School blessed us with about 75 bags of food!

Since the downturn in the economy, many people need help feeding their families. Our food pantry, open the fourth Saturday in every month, has been very busy lately. Sometimes we don’t have as much food to give out as we’d like.

So we were overjoyed when Pembroke Pines Charter Academic Village Middle School donated about 75 bags of food. This food will go a long way to help.

We thank them and will pray that God continue to bless us so that we may give in His name.

Some of the food kindly donated by the school.

Some of the food kindly donated by the school.

Take us with you!

Take us with you!

Photo on VisualHunt.com

Substance for the Soul

We have audio lessons you can take with you, or listen from the comfort of your home.

Written versions are available, too.

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Join us in our work to understand God’s word better. Our current series is on The Lord’s Prayer

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